Called to Adoption
Many Christians feel a need to step forward in faith and answer the call in James 1:27: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction.” This adoption support is so needed today in our society.
This book explores the needed place of Christians who feel led to answer the call to adopt and explores what that may look like. For instance, perhaps the calling isn’t to actually adopt but to support a family or charity that assists with adoption. Similarly, it may be to adopt a child waiting for a family through the foster system or international adoption. There are many ways to provide adoption support.
This book grew from the experience of authors Mardie Caldwell and Heather Featherston as they worked with couples through Lifetime Adoption. Many Christian couples felt led to adopt, including those who had perhaps already raised their children and were now in retirement.
There is great need for adoptive parents, but often it isn’t in the way one might think, due in large part to the misrepresentation that the media gives to the numbers of children waiting to be adopted. There is no shortage of families waiting to adopt newborn babies – there is, however, a shortage of families to adopt older children waiting in foster care.
Called to Adoption explores the realistic need today for loving, Christian adoptive parents, especially in light of the 2022 US Supreme Court Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.
Available as a softcover book and ebook, explore the needs and opportunities for Christian adoptive families as they consider what it means to be called to adoption.